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The Violin Society of America is pleased to present our first published book, The British Bow. This book covers the British Bow Exhibit at the 44th VSA Convention, which took place from November 13-18, 2016 in Cleveland, Ohio. We would like to thank Bruce Babbitt and the numerous volunteers who contributed their knowledge, bows, and time into organizing this exhibit. It was one of the largest exhibits of historical British bows ever gathered. The British Bow was curated by Bruce Babbitt and Philip Kass with photography by Nathan Tolzmann. The Violin Society of America is pleased to present our second published book, The German Bow: A Study Exhibit of German Bow Making. This book covers the German Bow Exhibit at the 46th VSA Convention, which took place from November 4-9, 2018 in Cleveland, Ohio. We would like to thank Bruce Babbitt and the numerous volunteers who contributed their knowledge, bows, and time into organizing this exhibit. Most specifically, we wish to thank Yung Chin for his incomparable expertise and the incredible amount of time he spent working with the author, as well as Rodney Mohr for his photography. The Violin Society of America is proud to be a associated with this thorough and expertly researched publication. Many advances in amassing and sharing information about violin family instruments and their bows, including acoustics, technology and "trade secrets", have come from seeds growing in the imaginations of major scholars in our field, like Bruce Babbitt, Yung Chin and Rodney Mohr. The VSA endeavors to keep planting these seeds of curiosity whenever and wherever we can. CLICK HERE TO ORDER NOW |